Just a reminder that we still need GMs for Gen Con (August 4-7, Indianapolis, Indiana). This means that if you are going to Gen Con and would be interested in helping us out by running games please email Brian Cross, who’s coordinating our convention presence, at brian@posthumanstudios.com as soon as possible. For Gen Con we have already committed to running 20 games, a significant increase over last year, and all of them have already sold out. And Gen Con is really a place where we’d like to show off Eclipse Phase and provide an excellent experience for people who are new to the game.
GMs who sign up to help us out at Gen Con will be compensated by both Gen Con (see the official site for details) and Posthuman Studios will additionally compensate our GMs with either PS+ products or cash payment at a rate dependent upon the number of games run.
We are also still accepting play session write ups for our ongoing contest. We've already received some good entries but keep em coming!