A statement from Posthuman Studios about the ongoing genocide in Palestine

Posthuman Studios logo. Self Evolving System

There is no such thing as an apolitical business. Eclipse Phase Second Edition includes the following on page 19:

"A Note on Politics
Eclipse Phase delves into numerous political themes; in fact, we start with the premise that everything is political. Like all authors, we write from the perspective of our personal biases. Our specific lens is radical, liberatory, inclusive, and antifascist. If you support bigotry or authoritarianism in any form, Eclipse Phase is not the game for you."

If you know anything about us at all, you probably already assumed we support a free Palestine. We've never been shy about our politics. Therefore, we issue the following statement and encourage other companies to do the same:

Posthuman Studios stands in support of the Palestinian people and opposes the ongoing genocide perpetrated by the state of Israel with the full complicit support of the United States and Canada. We condemn zionism as a colonialist and fascist ideology. The attempt to label any criticism of Israel as anti-semitic is a dishonest diversion. Likewise, conflating all Jewish people with zionism is an inherently anti-semitic idea. We believe resistance against Israel's colonialism, apartheid, and genocide is justified and necessary.
Free Palestine!

We will be donating a portion of our income this year to appropriate aid organizations.

Graphical text of the Statement about Palestine.

Add some new Motifs to your Eclipse Phase Game!

Another of our Patreon monthly projects is now available to all: Nano Drop: Motifs — a mini supplement for Eclipse Phase.

Motifs provide a sensory anchor for continuity when resleeving, ideal for grounding your sense of self and helping others to identify you.

Nano Drop: Motifs is available on DriveThruRPG and Posthuman.Shop!

Motifs was a Monthly Project on our Patreon — check it out if you want early access to Monthly Projects, playtest drafts, and other cool stuff from Posthuman Studios!

DriveThruRPG GM's Day Sale

Nano Drop: Motifs launches the same week as the DriveThruRPG GM’s Day Sale — so you can snag some new ideas and then catch up on past releases with a 40% discount! This includes the first Nano Drop: Firewall Scratch Space Random Inventory and sourcebooks Sunward, Rimward, and more!

Flexbot Confidential

Who would have guessed that modular bodies would be so popular amongst transhumanists, open source nerds, and those who have a folder labelled Fun & Games that includes Excel and RStudio?

Flexbot Confidential brings you more modular material for everyone's favorite modular morphs, including details on cyberbrains, cortical stacks, and multiple egos. From there it moves onto shapeshifting, gear assembly, flexbot tricks, and further upgrades!

Flexbot Confidential Cover

Flexbot Confidential is an 11-page digital sourcebook for Eclipse Phase Second Edition available on DriveThruRPG and Posthuman.Shop!

Also on Posthuman.Shop is the return of the Featured Creator section. We’re re-launching it this year, bringing back Something is Wrong Here from Kira Magrann — and we happened to snag the last copies of the current print run!

Something is Wrong Here cards displayed on a  table

Know of a game that fits with our style that you’d like to see featured on our store? Drop us a line at info@posthumanstudios.com and we’ll see what we can cook up!

Eclipse Phase & Posthuman Studios 2024

Fresh from our recent Character Options BackerKit, here's a group of updates about what's going on in 2024!

Fulfilling Character Options

Backers have received the Character Options digital version and a corrected update is on the way. That corrected update is what will be printed, and we aim to have the book at the printer by mid-January.

Eclipse Phase Character Options

We will open BackerKit for order fulfillment and pre-orders after the books ship from printer to us. We anticipate this to be in March 2024.

Beyond Character Options

We'll have a couple small titles coming out in the next few months, and then we'll be dealing with all the logistics of fulfilling Character Options and the Morph Recognition Deck.

After that there's the NPC File 2 book to look forward to, along with Your Whispering Muse, the "Space Combat" book we've been working on via Patreon, and a revamp to the very first Eclipse Phase adventure: Mind the WMD, from the first edition Quick-Start Rules.

NPC File 2 Preview

Patreon Highlights

  • Monthly Projects: Our Patreon delivers community-voted projects, later integrated into various formats.
  • Early Content: Patreon supporters receive playtest drafts and more, with exciting plans for 2024.
  • Current Project: December's focus is on revising Mind the WMD.

Posthuman Studios and Communications

In today's changing social media landscape, we're focusing on direct communication channels:

  1. This website, eclipsephase.com
  2. Our mailing list, which you can subscribe to at http://eepurl.com/RIsbn
  3. Our Discord server: https://discord.com/invite/bPkxUxh

We value your engagement and presence! Stay connected for the latest updates and discussions.

Thanks for Your Support!

The tabletop game business remains challenging, and our best way forward is keeping a close relationship with our fans. Beyond the above, we have some great stuff planned for later this year and we look forward to bringing it to you!

Character Options BackerKit: Closes on Tuesday!

The Character Options BackerKit is heading into the last few days, so now is the time to support this campaign and the future of Eclipse Phase. All backers already have access to the Character Options digital edition so you can start making new characters immediately. The book is finished and will be going to print shortly after the campaign closes so we plan to deliver books in the first quarter of 2024!

Character Options brings lifepath character creation to Second Edition, as well as updating and adding new morphs into the game, so you truly have a body for every possible situation or scene!

The campaign has fully-funded Character Options in hardcover, as well as an upgraded Morph Recognition Deck.

A lot of campaigns are loaded-up with stretch goals, but this one isn't. After we've produced Character Options and the Morph Recognition Deck, funds from this campaign will be used to reprint Eclipse Phase Second Edition in the glorious hardcover cloth bookmarked form you expect from us at Posthuman Studios.

It's possible that we'll have to raise the print price on this reprint, so all supporters of this campaign that add Eclipse Phase Second Edition hardcover to their rewards will lock in the current price.

There's an easy backer level that includes both Character Options and Eclipse Phase Second Edition, add-ons for the Morph Recognition Deck, and also a bunch of merchandise — including the brand new Octomorph t-shirt.

Thank you for your support!