Tony Lee’s Amazing Character Generator/Sheet

Tony Lee, one of my esteemed playtest group (currenty holding the record for longest running Eclipse Phase campaign!), has engineered this monster of a character sheet in Excel. It crunches pretty much all of the numbers for you, and it prints rather nicely without demanding that you lay down an entire sheet of ink/toner for background images. Tony's obsessive enough that this should be pretty error free, but I'll start a thread in the forums (in the fan-generated materials section) to discuss any bugs people might find.

D&D 4 character generator, eatcha heart out!

Form-Fillable Character Sheets

We have two new form-fillable character sheets, contributed by Eclipse Phase fans, Creative Commons-licensed!

If you want to make your own EP Character Sheets, we've posted the InDesign files for our sheets here:, and you can grab the InDesign files from Garrett Guilotte's sheets right here.

EP on Wikipedia (But For Long?)

Someone was kind enough to put together an article on Eclipse Phase on wikipedia. In traditional wikipedia form, however, the article is already up for deletion. Wikipedia frowns on people/companies who edit their own articles, so we're keeping our hands off of it, but if you think the article should stay, we recommend you head over to the discussion and voice your opinion, as well as contribute facts and details to the wiki article itself. The point of contention is EP's "notability" (apparently being BoingBoinged, Slashdotted, and optioned for film didn't boost our Rep scores enough!). Perhaps it would help to point out that EP is the first roleplaying game to be released by a large publishing company under a Creative Commons license.

GM Screen Cover Art

We haven't shown off the artwork for the back of the EP Gamemaster Screen yet, so here you go! (clicky for embiggening):

This is another Stephen Martiniere piece, depicting a group of Firewall agents having an unfortunate run-in with a fractal -- a bush robot left behind by the TITANs -- on Mars. That's Olympus Mons and the space elevator in the background.