
Post-GenCon Roundup

We did a lot of interviews about Eclipse Phase at GenCon, and the game has generated some significant buzz since it's preliminary release there. Here's a quick roundup of some of the interviews, news, and reviews we've spotted on the web so far:

If anyone knows of any others, please post links in the comments.


Gencon Update – Post-con and 4 and 5

Sorry for the lack of updates the last two days, the network we were leeching off of in the hotel room never went back up after Friday night so we were all in web withdrawal by the time the con ended yesterday. 

Let me just start by saying that it was great meeting all of you who were able to swing by the booth or play in one of our demos and Rob and Jack and I agree that nearly everyone we talked to about the game was an absolute pleasure to interact with. 

We did the EP seminar on Saturday with a good attendance and some excellent questions and I think we'll try to get some sort of summary up about that later one once we've recovered a bit more.

Congrats to those of you who were able to snag a copy of the book.  For those of you who were not or who were unable to attend the word we're getting from Catalyst is that the .pdf if coming "very soon" after Gencon. My understanding is that it's being held up somewhat due to CGL using it in conjunction with a special program they're launching.  But soon the waiting will be over. 

We'll try to get more information up here later about the Con and all the other stuff that came out of it but for now it's recovery time for a bit but again our deepest thanks to everyone we met. 


Gencon Update Day 3

We set a new record for selling out 30 seconds.  Also we'd like you to know that selling out is overrated and we never thought we'd be had so cheaply.  Ha.  But seriously.  We're having a great time running demos and meeting all of the people who want to know more about the game. 

Also some things you may or may not see in EP in the near-future. 
- nanobees!
- jetpack and rocket equipped bears
- space kraken (with neotenic riders!)
- alien autopsies
- sloptopus (credit to Jaqui)
- magical ponies
- insect people
- transgenic eel pitfights
- Klouches
- obsolete European political parties (thanks Facebook, we love you)


Gencon Update Day 2

Just had a dev meeting.  We made metaplot that will do awful awful things to your brains.  Tremble fleshlings!  Tremble!

Also we sold out of the books for today in 5 min.  We love you people. 
