Continuity PDF-Exclusive Release

We've just released our fourth adventure for Eclipse Phase (and our third PDF exclusive release): Continuity. It is available on DriveThruRPG.

Continuity is a short adventure for Eclipse Phase. The characters, researchers on a remote outpost, check in for a backup--and awaken in new bodies to discover two weeks of their lives are missing. They have limited time to find out what happened to their previous selves--and deal with a looming threat.

Continuity is designed as a one-shot scenario using sample characters from the Eclipse Phase core rulebook or Sunward but can also be used as a campaign's introductory scenario or otherwise modified for use in a campaign.

Continuity is a 15-page PDF (available in both portrait and landscape orientations) and includes audio snippets embedded in the PDF file and as individual MP3 downloads.

The audio snippets are a new experiment for us, so be sure and tell us what you think!