2014 is underway! Happily, the partners of Posthuman Studios (Rob Boyle, Brian Cross, Jack Graham, and Adam Jury) and our frequent collaborator Davidson Cole were all able to gather in Chicago just before the new year for a day plus of meetings, hangouts, plannings, reflections, and schemings.
This isn't a big year in review post, but more of a "State of the Right now" update for you.
Transhuman has been released and is in game stores now.
Our new card game, Shinobi Clans, will be winging its way to the printers soon. We're super excited about our first card game, with an excellent design from Jürgen Mayer and stellar art from NEN.
Artwork is flowing in for the Morph Recognition Guide and Morph Recognition Cards, two stretch goals from the Transhuman Kickstarter.
Singularity, also another Transhuman Kickstarter stretch goal, will go into beta-testing in January. My group used it Tuesday night to generate a very eclectic and weird Firewall team. Excited about having two forks of Rokuzawa Chi in the same group. Even more excited that the software worked like a charm for both of them!
Many other Transhuman Kickstarter stretch goals are in progress, and will be rolling out over the next few months! First to appear will be The Devotees, a scenario by Caleb Stokes, followed by my scenario, Million Year Echo, and a companion supplement, Zone Stalkers, about the TQZ.
Beyond Transhuman, our next Eclipse Phase book is Firewall. We'll be kicking progress on it into high gear in the new year. What's Firewall about? Well, pretty much what it says on the tin. But the book goes beyond its eponymous organization to cover some of Firewall's allies, frenemies, rivals, and implacable foes. And we'll be providing some pages from Firewall's playbook, ranging from how you do a brush pass in a society with ubiquitous surveillance, to just how much i-rep you need to Nuke the Place from Orbit.
2014 is shaping up to a busy year, with plenty of releases and a whole new game in Shinobi Clans. Thanks for your support in 2013 that has helped us get here!