We've organized four panels at Gen Con this year featuring Posthumans and our brilliant & convivial industry colleagues. We expect some interesting conversations; come check them out! (Click on the titles for Gen Con's official listings).
Friday, 11:00 - 12:00 pm
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm A/B
What makes for a great SF RPG? How do designers find the right balance between scientific realism and fun gameplay? Which is better: space broccoli, space koalas, space octopi, or space business cards? Game designers Rob Boyle (Eclipse Phase, Shadowrun 4e), Epidiah Ravichol (Dread, Vast & Starlit), Jared Sorensen (FreeMarket, Schism), and Brennan Taylor (Bulldogs!) talk about the art & science of making kick-ass sci-fi games.
Friday, 1:00 - 2:00 pm
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm A/B
A PAX East favorite comes to Gen Con! Campaign Doctors Luke Crane (Burning Wheel, Torchbearer), Jack Graham (Eclipse Phase), Robin D. Laws (Gumshoe, Hillfolk), & Amanda Valentine (Firefly, Marvel Heroic Roleplaying) solve your campaign problems. This is an audience participation panel. Bring your questions about how to make your group back home better. The Campaign Doctors have the answers -- but you might not like them!
Saturday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm A/B
Game designer/educators Jessica Banks (Atlas Games), Brian Cross (Eclipse Phase, Shadowrun 4e), Michelle Lyons-MacFarland (Growling Door Games), and Chris Sagovac (Webster University) talk about their experiences using games to educate at school and at home.
Saturday, 2:00 - 3:00 pm
Crowne Plaza : Grand Central Bllrm C
Find out what we've been up to this past year and what we have planned for the upcoming year. We will discuss all Posthuman projects but will particularly focus on the Eclipse Phase game line.
And lastly, check here for a complete listing of all Posthuman-sponsored events at Gen Con this year, including games of EP and demos of Shinobi Clans. There are still a few open slots!
We can't wait to see y'all in Indy!