Posthuman Studios and Sandstorm Productions Play Ball!

Lake Stevens, WA June 12th, 2010

“How’d you like to play dodgeball?”

There’s something to be said about flying into town for negotiations and getting taken directly to a parking lot game of dodgeball at midnight in Wicker Park, Chicago. When you’re in the gaming industry, work and play go hand in hand—you can’t make fun if you aren’t having it!

We’ve been fans of Eclipse Phase since it premiered. And just as big of fans of Rob, Adam, and Brian—the creative masterminds behind the ground-breaking transhumanist game. So when the opportunity came up to partner Sandstorm and Posthuman Studios, we jumped. (And threw down.)

You’ve gotten a taste of what Posthuman can create with Eclipse Phase—and we’re absolutely thrilled to be partnering with them to bring a full lineup of new Eclipse Phase books to fans in the coming year. We’re also very excited to be partnering with Posthuman to bring new games to the gaming market, such as the tongue-in-cheek card game of Celebrity Trash Culture, Paparazzi!

We look forward to our partnership with Posthuman and everything the future holds in store for us–whether that’s resleeving our digital consciousness, using a telephoto lens to snap indiscriminate photographs, or playing another round of street dodgeball.

Posthuman Studios LLC and Sandstorm Productions LLC. The Storm is Building.


Posthuman Studios LLC is a creator-owned game design collective founded by game-industry veterans Rob Boyle, Adam Jury, and Brian Cross in 2008. In 2009 they launched the critically-acclaimed Eclipse Phase, which immediately became a hit with its innovative setting, stellar production, and Creative Commons licensing. They currently have several additional projects in development, including the Paparazzi! card game.

Sandstorm Productions LLC is a Kansas based capitalization and production company dedicated to partnering with premium studios to bring the best games to market. In addition to WildFire and Posthuman, their partner studios include Closet Nerd and Glowfly Games. Sandstorm assists with the capitalization and production of a wide range of gaming products, from classic RPGs to family and educational board games.

For more information, contact Sandstorm at or visit the following websites:

Eclipse Phase Fiction In New Formats

Ebook readers are gaining in popularity, and we want to bring Eclipse Phase fiction to them. Whether you have a Kindle (or use the Kindle app for your phone/computer or an iPad or a Sony reader, or almost any other e-ink reader ... we should have you covered here. But, this is a bit of an experiment for us, and we've already discovered some hitches in the Amazon Kindle service. Namely, it tries to charge international customers two dollars more than customers in the USA. A $2 price increase on a a $0.99 title is obscene! So, with that in mind:

Our first standalone fiction release is Lack; this is the fiction that is in the Eclipse Phase core rulebook. If you already have the core rulebook, you already have it. And, of course, it's still Creative Commons licensed, and the Kindle release does not use DRM.

If you are an Amazon Kindle customer in the USA, you can buy Lack on the Kindle Store for $0.99.

Anywhere in the world, if you want to buy Lack in PDF, ePub, or MOBI (Kindle compatible) format, get a pack of Lack in all three formats on DriveThruRPG for $0.99.

(If you are an international customer and think $2.99 is a fair price to pay for Lack, you can buy Lack on the Kindle Store for $2.99.)

Eclipse Phase PDF "Catalyst/BattleShop Amnesty Program"

If you have purchased a PDF version of any Eclipse Phase title from Catalyst Game Labs’ BattleShop, please be aware that they are no longer selling our PDFs, nor are they able to provide updates to them.

Therefore: We want to hook you up with an updated (and future-updated!) copy with our electronic partners, OneBookShelf (DriveThruRPG/RPGNow), free of charge, with as little hassle as possible. We just updated the PDFs within the last 48 hours, adding layers to the core book PDF and to some of the PDFs in the GM Screen packages as well. We want you to have these PDFs!

To claim your copy: Email us at with a copy of your BattleShop receipt for the PDFs/combos in question. If you didn’t save the email receipt, you can log into the BattleShop and then visit the following the URL: -- at this point, click on the “View” button for the specific Eclipse Phase-related orders. You can either use the “Save As” function of your browser and email us the HTML file, take a screenshot and send us that, or cut and paste the relevant bits (Order number, product name) into the email. We’re flexible: all we want to know is that you made the purchase. If you already have an account on DriveThruRPG/RPGNow, please let us know which email address you use for that account so we can send your coupon to the right address (it will be easiest if you email us FROM that address, please!)

You qualify for this offer if you purchased:

  • Eclipse Phase PDF
  • Eclipse Phase PDF and Print Combo
  • Eclipse Phase Gamemaster Screen/Glory PDF
  • Eclipse Phase Gamemaster Screen/Glory PDF Hack Pack

We will: Send you a 100% off coupon for the exact titles you bought. These coupons will be manually processed by us, so please allow 48-72 hours for that (I'll actually be travelling from May 10th to the 17th, but I should be online regularly.)

EP Events at GenCon

If you're attending GenCon and want to play in some Posthuman Studios-sponsored Eclipse Phase games, you can find the schedule here.
