We asked neuroscientist and prominent transhumanist Anders Sandberg to review Eclipse Phase, and he kindly obliged. Thanks Anders! If you haven't seen it, Anders maintains a noteworthy collection of transhumanist links and resources, as well as some notes on his own RPG games.
H+ Magazine Article
The transhumanist-oriented H+ Magazine has an article on Eclipse Phase, interviewing Rob Boyle and Brian Cross about how various aspects of transhumanism tie into the game and setting. This was a fun interview for us, so pop on over to take a look, and check out the rest of their site while you're at it!
Character Creation Examples
We're thrilled at the reaction to EP so far and the fun people seem to be having with the game and setting. For those of you who are thinking of starting up a game and wondering how character creation is here's a link to a thread at rpg.net where people are having a blast tossing out character concepts and then creating them. It's got a lot of good information on how certain things work and discussions of various morphs and skills.
It also has the King of Sparta, an open source morph entrepreneur, and more discussions of Surya goodness.
All Games Considered Interview
Rob Boyle and Brian Cross were interviewed by All Games Considered (who also won an ENnie this year!) at GenCon about Eclipse Phase. The interview goes over the basics of EP, the upcoming release schedule, the Creative Common license, and some background on Rob & Brian. The interview starts at 46:27.
Eclipse Phase Character Sheet Package
If you want to make your own Eclipse Phase character sheets based on our design (or if you want to totally hack it but want a starting point), we've made available the Adobe InDesign [compatible with CS3 and hopefully CS2] and Photoshop files for you to do so! Due to legal reasons we can't provide the fonts/typefaces we use, so these versions of the sheets use, wait for it ... Helvetica! You're going to want to fix THAT right away, aren't you?
When you create new sheets, please email them to charactersheets@posthumanstudios.com so we can check them out!
Here's the link to the zip file containing all the docs you need: https://eclipsephase.com/downloads/EPCharacterSheetCreationPackage.zip -- the files in here are Creative Commons licensed, just like the book, so please follow the distribution rules on our Creative Commons License page!
And for those of you aren't designers but want some more goodies, here's a simple two-up Morph Record Sheet, for recording the details of all those extra morphs you have: https://eclipsephase.com/downloads/eclipsephase_morphsheet.pdf