Gencon Update

Just a reminder for those of you at Gencon.  We'll be running short demos out of the booth all day as long as the exhibitor hall is open.

Additionally we'll be running longer intro games and I'll be running one tomorrow from noon to 2.  Stop by and say hi to us either at the booth or at the demos. 

Finally we will be selling 25 books per day on a first come, first served basis.  And yes, they are real.  I present book pr0n as proof.


Welcome Boingers!

A huge thanks to Cory and the folks at BoingBoing for their post on Eclipse Phase. To folks who are just now checking us out, here are a few quick links to get you started on what EP is about:

A limited number (100) of the Eclipse Phase Core Rulebooks will be released at GenCon this week. We don't have a confirmed street release date yet for when the book will be in stores, but we will post here when we do. The books are currently being shipped from overseas, so we are at least a month away. We will be taking pre-orders soon, the PDF of the book will go on sale soon, and we will also be posting a free Quick Start Rules PDF in the near future. Subscribe to our RSS feed or twitter for updates. If you have any other questions, feel free to hop on over to our forums! Thanks!

EP Core Books at GenCon

You've been waiting in suspense to hear if we were going to have Eclipse Phase at GenCon ... and I can now say it's confirmed: we will be releasing the EP Core Rulebook at GenCon! We have a limited amount available, so we'll only be selling 25/day, probably with a limit of 2 per customer. So come by the Catalyst Game Labs booth (#803) nice and early in the morning, when the hall opens, to make sure and get one!

I'm pretty psyched to finally get the book in my hands myself!

Before you ask -- I don't have anything else confirmed about the PDF, pre-orders, street release date, or QSR yet. Thanks for your patience, everyone. As soon as I have the info, I'll post it here and share it with you!


GenCon, Interviews, and Reviews

Just a reminder for folks that we posted our schedule of Eclipse Phase events at GenCon two weeks ago. So if you're headed to GenCon, sign up for a game or stop by the Catalyst Game Labs booth (#803) for a demo! You can also just come by and ask questions or pick up some other info on the game.

If there are any podcasters or other gaming news journalists out there that want to talk to us at GenCon, be sure to get in touch.

Also, we're on the lookout for reviewers, so if you're interested in reviewing EP for a website or publication when it comes out, drop us a line.

For those of you looking for some night time activities during GenCon, I'll be spinning industrial noise at an afterparty Saturday night (I'm told my set will be midnight to 1:30am), and the same folks putting this on have events Thursday and Friday too:

Finally, if you haven't seen it yet, there's a GenCon app for the iphone.

Obviously, we'll be away for the rest of the week, and while I hope to make some updates during the con, we'll all be for the most part busy until the middle of next week.


EP Core Book Preview: "Lack" Fiction Piece

Here's another teaser for the core Eclipse Phase book. This fiction piece (PDF), written by Rob Boyle and Davidson Cole, starts the book off, setting the tone for the game. The artwork is by Rich Anderson.