End of the Week, End of the World

ABC News has an article on people who are preparing for the world to end in December of 2012, as predicted by the Mayan calendar. (Those of you who play Shadowrun are already familiar with this idea, as that game places Dec. 11, 2011 as the date of the Awakening, when magic returns to the world, on the same premise.) These people are even buying land and preparing caves as survivalist bases for when the End comes:

First, a polar reversal will cause the north to become the south and the sun to rise in the west. Shattering earthquakes, massive tidal waves and simultaneous volcanic eruptions will follow. Nuclear reactors will melt, buildings will crumble, and a cloud of volcanic dust will block out the sun for 40 years. Only the prepared will survive, Geryl said, and not even all of them.

Though Eclipse Phase is set far past 2012, it’s not inconceivable that there will be survivalist groups that band together under the belief than an impending singularity event will doom humanity and destroy the Earth … and, in a sense, they’d be right. Some of them might even still be surviving in the planet’s ruins …

Lars Blumenstein Bio

Eclipse Phase Contributor Bio
Real Name: Lars Blumenstein
Firewall Codename: LabRat
Eclipse Phase Background Equivalency: Hyperelite Argonaut

Previous Experience: Numerous Shadowrun titles in both German and English

About Me: I’d classify myself as an open-minded futurist scientophile in both passion and profession. I hold a PhD in biochemistry (biophysics and bioanalytics background) and currently work in the pharma biz. I have been a regular RPG freelancer for about 7 years now, and before that I wrote fan fiction for German-based RPGs (I am German, btw). I am also a caffeine addict (who isn’t?) and a media junkie (news feeds, books, movies/series, i-net, RPGs) when I get the time, though work, freelance writing, social life, and GF have diminished that in recent months.

Transhumanist Interests: I am interested in the posthuman angle like self-evolution and genetic redesign of mankind (augmentations, genetic engineering).

Eclipse Phase Contributions: I wrote the first version of the Psi section (expect the unexpected), the Mesh chapter (the omnipresent infosphere), part of the Gear chapter, and some of the material on the mysterious Factors, the only known alien (and I mean it) xenobiological species in EP so far.

Favorite Thing About Eclipse Phase: What I like most about EP besides the setting and versatile take on character play (“Death is just an Option,” gendernauting, and body-hopping) is seeing the game continuously evolve from the basic concepts and rules mechanics with which we started.

Spacecraft in Eclipse Phase

One of the problems any space-faring sci-fi game has to deal with is how to handle space travel and space combat. Both of these can be significant glitches in an RPG setting. Space travel can mean a long delay between action, as the players must board a ship to get from one setting locale to another. Planets and space stations are not stationary objects, however, and so travel time can very between the same two places by a matter of months or more, as their orbits take them nearer to or further from each other. Add in the many different types of potential spaceship drives, and you have another complication. Some games deal with this by including charts and complex mathematics, actually requiring you to do the math to figure out how long your journey from Mars to Saturn will take.

Space combat is an even trickier beast. There are entire games built around space combat alone, and most of them are quite complex. Tracking relativistic movement in a three-dimensional environment where numerous scientific and technological factors (gravity wells, drive types, targeting systems, weapon ranges, etc) play an important role is tricky stuff. On top of this, if you’re seeking to be realistic, than space combat is likely to be a deadly affair. One missile or well-aimed laser or even a high-speed collision with some debris can mean the end of your ship–and your whole party of PCs along with it. And the role of the characters within space combat is yet another issue–quite often, unless it’s a game heavy in space combat–your character may have no role to play within the battle. It’s not unusual for the lives of an entire team of PCs to rest upon a couple of die rolls made by the one player who happens to be the pilot or gunner.

When designing Eclipse Phase, our goal was to minimize all of this fuss. We didn’t want long journeys between stations to drag out game play. We didn’t want to bog down the game with complex space combat rules. We feel spaceships should be treated as settings rather than collections of stats and that spaceship combat should be dramatic window-dressing, a plot device rather than a guillotine hanging over the character’s necks should one of them make a bad roll.

Luckily, Eclipse Phase already has the built-in aspect of mind emulation and uploading, so we have a ready alternative. Want to get from Luna to Venus? Back up your ego, trade in your body, and get securely beamed over to Venus, where you will be downloaded into a new body of your choice. Though such travel isn’t necessarily cheap or without its drawbacks, it certainly allows us to bypass some of the problems above. Likewise, if your travel plans don’t exactly require physical activity, you can perhaps get by with sending a fork of yourself, a digital partial copy that you can integrate back in later.

This isn’t to say that Eclipse Phase won’t have some details on ships and space travel/combat, but we’ll be keeping such things light. If there’s demand, we can always explore it in a supplement. In the meantime, there are easier ways to get around.