Transhuman Kickstarter Stretch Goals — The Final Week!

We have under a week left in the Transhuman Kickstarter, and it’s been an amazing ride so far. Strap in for the last week, because it’s about to get extra fun! Covered in this update: new stretch goals and an update about PayPal payments. Eclipse Phase as ePub We just unlocked this goal, and we’ll …

Transhuman Kickstarter: New Stretch Goals Unlocked!

Our crowdfunding for Transhuman hit $45,000 yesterday, so we’ve unlocked two new stretch goals. Stretch Goal 6: Doctrine scenario, $50,000: Firewall sends a team into the belly of the beast — the TITAN Quarantine Zone on Mars — in search of a missing Pandora Gate researcher. Is this a legit mission, or a test of …