Still Looking for Some Gencon GMs!

Just a reminder that we still need GMs for Gen Con (August 4-7, Indianapolis, Indiana). This means that if you are going to Gen Con and would be interested in helping us out by running games please email Brian Cross, who’s coordinating our convention presence, at as soon as possible. For Gen Con we have already committed to running 20 games, a significant increase over last year, and all of them have already sold out. And Gen Con is really a place where we’d like to show off Eclipse Phase and provide an excellent experience for people who are new to the game.

GMs who sign up to help us out at Gen Con will be compensated by both Gen Con (see the official site for details) and Posthuman Studios will additionally compensate our GMs with either PS+ products or cash payment at a rate dependent upon the number of games run.

We are also still accepting play session write ups for our ongoing contest. We've already received some good entries but keep em coming!


Updated Resources and El Destino Verde on Kindle

Tonight we updated the Resources page of our website. We added a ton of new fan creations, so check them out. If we missed anything, be sure to let us know!

Also the newest EP fiction piece, El Destino Verde, is now available for the Kindle!

Eclipse Phase Third Printing Update and El Destino Verde!

It's a busy day at Posthuman headquarters as we have two releases—and one of them is the latest version of the Eclipse Phase core rulebook, to coincide with the upcoming third printing. There are some slight rules tweaks, some visual touchups, new pieces of art, and the PDF itself is improved with many hyperlinks and layers, so you can create your own print-friendly version on the fly. Eclipse Phase at!

The third printing of Eclipse Phase is at the printers, and we will announce a street date for it when the books are in our warehouse and on their way to game retailers. If you are a retailer, we'll be providing you with some cool news about the reprint very soon!

Eclipse Phase first edition cover

We're also pleased to release the introductory fiction from the upcoming sourcebook Panopticon, El Destino Verde, by Jack Graham! It's the first installment in an ongoing story.

El Destino Verde cover

Enjoy the updated and new releases!

GMs: Posthuman Studios Needs You (or your fork!)

Calling all Eclipse Phase players and supporters—we need your help!

If you have ever game mastered an Eclipse Phase game you may be able to help us out. We have three major events coming up where we’d like the help of our GMs.

Gen Con
First we need GMs for Gen Con (August 4-7, Indianapolis, Indiana). This means that if you are going to Gen Con and would be interested in helping us out by running games please email Brian Cross, who’s coordinating our convention presence, at as soon as possible. For Gen Con we have already committed to running 20 games, a significant increase over last year. And Gen Con is really a place where we’d like to show off Eclipse Phase and provide an excellent experience for people who are new to the game.

GMs who sign up to help us out at Gen Con will be compensated by both Gen Con (see the official site for details) and Posthuman Studios willadditionally compensate our GMs with either PS+ products or cash payment at a rate dependent upon the number of games run.

Actual Play Contest
Next we want to hear about your actual play of Eclipse Phase for our blog. To that end we will be running a contest. Send us your accounts of your campaigns and the major player characters in 2000 words or less. We will review all of the entries and post the top four entries on the website which will then be voted upon by you, the community. All entries must be submitted to by midnight August 1, 2011. The winner will receive a fabulous prize (TBD!) and will also get their campaign and characters written in to an upcoming Eclipse Phase book.

Other Conventions
Finally we want to know if you are running any of your own games at Origins, Gen Con, PAX or any other cons please let us know so that we can make an announcement here on the website and through our other venues. While we can only run a small number of games ourselves, we want to support other GMs running our games as well!

If you have any questions please contact Brian Cross at, via the site's message system, or leave comment in this blog post.


Five for the Future 05-03-11