Breaking Up Is The Best Thing

We are changing how we handle one of our electronic releases: The Gamemaster Pack (GM Screen + Glory). Originally, you bought both of these components together, for $10, or $15 for the Hack Pack version. Now, they have been split apart so you can buy just one "half" of the Gamemaster's Pack.

If you have already bought the Gamemaster Pack, you don't have any reason to buy these new versions; this is a packaging change, not a content change. If we update the content in the GM Screen or Glory in the future, you will still get your free updates.

It makes a lot of sense to bundle a GM Screen with an adventure (or other GM-centric material) in print. It's really difficult to sell small adventures (as Glory is, at 24 pages) through retail. The low price point combined with the lack of durability makes these books riskier and less profitable for retailers. Bundling an adventure with a GM Screen is the accepted "sneaky but not really" method of publishing a small adventure in a format that game stores will happily sell.

That sort of bundling isn't necessary in the digital sphere, though. Glory and the GM Screen do work together, but they are perfectly functional as standalone items. And obviously, there are some people who don't need one half of the package -- so they don't buy any of it. It's a toss-up: do we do a bundle and ensure $10 per sale, or unbundle them and hope that additional sales make for similar or greater profits?

We think that gamers will be better served by splitting the Gamemaster's Pack into three electronic offerings:

Two bundles are also available, which replicate the way the GM Pack was originally sold:

Bump in the Night is now for sale!

Bump in the Night is now available!

This short adventure for Eclipse Phase takes the characters to the Venusian aerostat of Parvarti. While Parvarti is well known as a place of lust and pleasure, what they encounter involves little of that!

Bump in the Night can be played using the Sample Characters from the Eclipse Phase core rulebook or Sunward, and is $5 including files in both portrait and landscape alignment.

Did You Hear That…?

Bump in the Night, a short adventure for Eclipse Phase, will be available electronically (PDF) on Wednesday, September 22nd. This romp takes the characters to the Venusian aerostat of Parvarti. While Parvarti is well known as a place of lust and pleasure, what they encounter involves little of that!

Bump in the Night can be played using the Sample Characters from the Eclipse Phase core rulebook or Sunward, and will be $5 on, including files in both portrait and landscape alignment.

PAX Events

We're ten days out from the start of PAX Prime in Seattle and I figured I'd drop a little info for those who are attending. We will be with Sandstorm at the following location:

Room Number:
212 (2nd floor by escalators)

Washington State Convention&Trade Center

Convention Place

WA 98101

Floor plan can be found here

We will be selling EP Core, the GM Screen and Sunward and I'll have some of the stuff we had at Gencon including the Octomorph posters for sale and buttons to give away.

The room will be open from 10am until midnight Friday and Saturday and 10am to 6pm on Sunday.
 I'll be running games (or my GM helper monkey will) at the following times:
Friday - 11 AM&4 PM
Saturday - 11 AM&4 PM
Sunday - 11 AM
(6 players per game; may take up to 8 players, the games should take about 4 hours)

If you want to reserve a spot post in this thread. I know that we're already starting to fill up some of the games.
Also if anyone wants to see any of the specific scenarios I haven't 100% decided which ones I'll be running so this is your last chance to make a request.

When not running games I'll also be answering any questions people have or demoing the game for people who don't want to sit down for a whole 4 hour session.

Any other questions shoot em at me here and I'll tackle them.
