Print Pre-Orders for Overrun and more!

Overrun, one of the stretch goals (Introductory Adventure) from the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Kickstarter is now available! Backers, see this update for information about your downloads!

We spent a lot of time working on Overrun — because we love good adventures, and we know reading and running adventures is how many people learn how a game works. We\'ve broken out paragraphs of text to clearly call out when players could/should make rolls, when stress tests could happen, key information the GM shouldn\'t forget, and more. We\'re eager to hear what you think about Overrun and the updated adventure presentation!

Take a look at the PDF preview of Overrun (If you\'re a GM, not a player — don\'t read ahead!)

Print + PDF Pre-Orders!

We are opening direct pre-orders for Print + PDF combos of Overrun, and also for print versions of an upcoming expanded version of the EP2 Character Pack — a title for you to fold, spindle, and mutilate. We plan on sending both books to print by May 22nd and ship them to you in early June. The first fifty pre-orders will all get an Eclipse Phase art print!

Direct pre-orders are extra important right now, so we can order accurate print runs. For these two projects, we\'re working with a printer that we\'ve done some very solid test runs with and had great service from. The books will be printed on the inside covers to sneak some additional stuff in for you as well.

If you\'re purely digital, Overrun is also up on DriveThruRPG — and the EP2 Character Pack PDF is free to download!

Overrun Pre-Order

Coming Up

As always we have a bunch of projects in various stages of writing/development/production.

  • The expanded EP2 Character Pack PDF will be available soon — final layout and proofing TODO.
  • Development and layout updates to the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Quick-Start Rules.
  • Development and final layout on the EP2 Condensed Player\'s Guide (Kickstarter stretch goal)
  • Development and layout on Xenovore and Xenovore Fate (Kickstarter stretch goal)

That should keep us busy for a little bit! As always, feel free to get in touch with us at for customer support issues, and for game-related stuff, or join our official discord!

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Print on Demand & Overrun Pre-Orders

Here’s an update on the Posthuman stuff!

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Print on Demand

You can now grab Eclipse Phase Second Edition in softcover from DriveThruRPG, in both Standard Color and Premium Color. If you’re in the USA or Canada, these books will be printed and shipped from the USA. If you’re elsewhere in the world, they’ll print and ship from the UK!

In the past, we have not released print on demand versions of our hardcover books until those books are in low-stock situations and unlikely to be reprinted. Due to COVID-19 making worldwide availability of EP2 difficult we’ve taken this step to help out our international fans. We’ve always liked experiments — this is one of them.

We’ve also made Eclipse Phase first edition available in softcover.

What are the differences between these print on demand books and the offset-printed version of Eclipse Phase Second Edition?

The Offset-printed version of EP2:

  • Matte hardcover w/ spot gloss
  • Smyth-sewn binding
  • Printed on 80lb matte paper
  • Two ribbon bookmarks!
  • Contains corrections up to 1.1.1 errata.
  • Available on Posthuman.Shop

The Print on Demand versions of EP2:

  • Glossy softcover
  • Perfect binding (glued!)
  • Printed on 70lb uncoated paper
  • Contains corrections up to 1.2 errata.
  • Available on DriveThruRPG

Offset-printed copies of Eclipse Phase Second Edition are available from Posthuman.Shop, Indie Press Revolution, and game stores that order from IPR, ACD, or Alliance.

Overrun Print Pre-orders and PDF

When the Overrun PDF is made available we will also open up pre-orders for the Print + PDF bundle. This is another experiment — based on the number of pre-orders we will be doing a short print run, but the absolute best way to get a copy will be via the pre-order. Roughly two weeks into the pre-order we will lock into the print run size, and within a month of that we expect to have the books in hand, ready to ship!

Overrun is a gatecrashing op for Eclipse Phase:

  • Introductory Scenario: Overrun is a stand-alone adventure designed for Gatecrashing Ops team.
  • Campaign Play: Guidelines for Firewall, Gatecrashing, and Criminal Ops groups.
  • Locations: Details Teragula — an exoplanet beyond the pandora gates — its hostile marrow swamps, and the frontier terraforming outposts there.

Take a peek at the Player’s version of the Overrun map:


After the Fall and A Time of Eclipse Available for Free!

We've made two of our digital Eclipse Phase releases completely free to give you some more to read while you're socially distancing!

In a world of transhuman survival and horror, technology allows the re-shaping of bodies and minds, but also creates opportunities for oppression and puts the capability for mass destruction in the hands of everyone. Other threats lurk in the devastated habitats of the Fall, dangers both familiar and alien.

After the Fall is available on our own Posthuman.Shop and DriveThruRPG.

A Time of Eclipse is available as an ePub and print book containing roughly the first 111 pages of the Eclipse Phase first edition core rulebook — essentially, all of the setting material! The digital version is now free, and we've lowered the print on demand price to just a few bucks above printing costs.

A Time of Eclipse is available on our own Posthuman.Shop and DriveThruRPG.

Enjoy, and stay safe!


State of the World & Posthuman Studios

It's a strange time to write an update. It's a strange time to be.

The state of the world and the state of business is changing quickly. Personally, we are all in official Shelter in Place states or practicing social distancing as much as possible.

Business-wise, we continue to work on Eclipse Phase projects, but the near future of the tabletop game business is murky: major distributors are suspending operations, some printing companies have done the same, conventions have been cancelled, postponed, or are in limbo. Amazon — the world's largest bookstore — is not buying books.

While we all work from home on a regular basis, the pandemic changes things: partners are also working from home, children aren't at school, schedules are disrupted.

Our immediate focus is on finishing ongoing projects and not opening new loops. This includes the remaining rewards and stretch goals from the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Kickstarter project, all of which are in progress.

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Update

This week we updated the Eclipse Phase Second Edition PDFs, and the Character Pack, bringing them in line with the 1.2 errata. Most of the changes from 1.1.1 to 1.2 are minimal, especially on the mechanics level. We needed to complete this errata pass before handing Eclipse Phase Second Edition to our foreign translation partners.

If you've already bought them, the updated files should already be in your DriveThruRPG library!

Supporting Posthuman, Game Stores, Other Publishers

In these uncertain times, if you can do so: direct financial support of your favorite publishers is going to be very important. If you cannot do so financially, please assist in community building:

We have opened a public Eclipse Phase / Posthuman Studios Discord, you can join it here for game discussion and community!

Our nascent Patreon will move out of beta status at the end of March — supporting us on Patreon gets you access to extra channels in the Discord, sneak peeks at upcoming projects, playtest material, and more.

Rob's going to be streaming his Nexus 6 DJ set on twitch this Friday night at 10PM CST at and we've created a Posthuman Studios twitch account for future PS+ related streams!

Getting Eclipse Phase Second Edition

Our partnership with Atlas Games is ongoing, and you can order Eclipse Phase Second Edition (and other books soon!) directly from our online store, fulfilled by Atlas. We've added PDFs and Print + PDF bundles to our online store, which Budget and Support Posthuman options so you can tweak how much you spend on Print + PDF bundles. And we've made gift cards available in a few denominations.

We have temporarily suspended selling merchandise and other items from our online store — those that we would fulfill directly. We'll keep evaluating the viability of resuming those sales/shipments in the coming weeks.

For game stores, several distributors in the USA are stocking Eclipse Phase Second Edition, and we're working on getting more — and international distribution deals — set up. As you can expect, this is slow going with COVID-19 occupying the time and attention of everyone in the fulfillment chain. If your friendly local game store is open, please support them. If they are not open right now and you can do so, please consider buying a gift certificate or contributing to them in some other way.

Future Projects

We will be doing some upcoming projects in print via direct pre-order, where the number of pre-orders helps us determine how large of a print run to make. Digital books will continue as normal, of course!

Stay Safe!

Thank you for all your support over the years. Please stay safe in the upcoming days and weeks, and we'll speak to you again soon!

Adam, Rob, Brian, Davidson

Posthuman Studios


The Router Case Files are online!

Whether you're running Eclipse Phase for the first time or a veteran gamemaster, Router Case Files is your resource for fast plot hooks tailored to this intricate universe. Covering the three core campaign types—Firewall, gatecrashing, and Guanxi criminals—then spanning the solar system to deal with hypercorps, uplifts, media, politics, and more!

Available now on DriveThruRPG, Router Case Files will be available in print as part of the Eclipse Phase Second Edition Gamemaster's Screen in 2020.

PS10002 RouterCaseFiles