We're looking forward to seeing you at Gen Con. This year, we're at booth 561, and we'll have some great new stuff for you to check out!
New Eclipse Phase Titles
Our latest book, Firewall, will be available, alongside a complete set of Firewall Sample Character tiles. We'll also have Morph Recognition Cards (with tuckboxes!), plus every single Eclipse Phase book ever published (including the last 12 hardcover copies of Panopticon...), and there's a good chance that there will be a surprise or two.
Games at the Booth!
We'll be demoing Shinobi Clans all day at the booth, and we'll have 90-minute in-booth demos for new Eclipse Phase players at 2 and 4PM on Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and 1PM on Sunday.
We'll have a Eclipse Phase Fate demo at 4PM on Saturday.
Demo times may change, and we'll have a signup sheet available in the booth each day. If you have friends who have yet to play Eclipse Phase, these demos are a good chance for them to get their first taste!
Listen to us talk at the following times:
What's up with Posthuman & Eclipse Phase? — Saturday, 3-4PM, Crowne Plaza, Grand Central Ballroom D — The Posthuman crew talks about the coming year, our Eclipse Phase announcements, and more!
RPPR Game Designer's Workshop: Everyday Hustlin' in Game Design — Thursday, 11AM-Noon, Crowne Plaza, room Pennsylvania Station A — Talk with Caleb, Ross, and publishers about how to get started writing for games. With a few tips, you could be barely scraping by just like the pros! The goal of RPPR's GDW podcast has always been educational. To that end, Ross and Caleb will do their best to give advice on "breaking into the industry" in a post-Kickstarter age. The conversation will focus on the more logistical, legal, and mundane business of freelancing in RPGs. On the publisher side of things, Rob Boyle from Posthuman Studios is dropping by to lend his expertise. Prepare to be demystified, warned, clued-in, and tipped-off about the path to seeing your work get included in games. Questions are welcome and encouraged.
Scary Parrots: Weird Horror in RPGs — Thursday, 1PM-2PM, Crowne Plaza, room Pennsylvania Station C — Horror gaming can go beyond Lovecraft and tentacles. Sometimes the most frightening moments in RPGs can come from obscure references and mundane moments. Surprise your players from a new direction! The panel will include Caleb Stokes (No Soul Left Behind, No Security), Ross Payton (Base Raiders, Zombies of the World), John Kennedy (Demonworld), and Jack Graham (Eclipse Phase). The title "Scary Parrots" refers to an RPPR game in which the players completely forgot about the plot and focused on a parrot THAT COULD NOT BE. Rather than dismiss the moment as a one-off, this panel will explore the unexpected places that the GM can exploit for terror. Between other writers of The Weird, discoveries in neuroscience, and philosophical thought experiments, this panel will provide a ton of original plot hooks and little disquieting scares to throw at your players.
Reliquary Game Studios
Our friends at Reliquary Game Studios are sharing our booth this year. This is their first year exhibiting at Gen Con after funding the Clockwork: Dominion victorian steampunk roleplaying game on Kickstarter. They'll be running demos at the booth, and their core rulebook and accessories will be available for sale!
(Adam Jury just happened to do the graphic design for Clockwork: Dominion, and Eclipse Phase fans will recognize Clockwork author Nathaniel Dean, as well!)
Help us run more Eclipse Phase games!
Our Eclipse Phase games are sold out. Every year, we have players ask us — "Can you add more Eclipse Phase games to the schedule?" — and the simple answer is that to do that, we need more people willing to run those games at the convention. If you attend Gen Con and want to run games for us, please stop by the booth and say hi! We'll give you the right contact info, and in the spring when we start making the schedule, we'll be in touch.
We pay all of our GMs and give them some swag, too. Plus you'll be the first to run some of our upcoming adventures!
See You at Gen Con!

We're at booth 561, don't forget!